Remember in class we said there was a one week extension on the WHO IS JESUS TO THEM project? Well, due to Thanksgiving, let's call it a week and three day extension. It's due MON DEC 3. Remember, power point or video is OK as long as the content is equivalent to the instructions for the paper. Use Bible Gateway.. -
Also, one the atonement chart, in class I said MI was on the left and MM on the right, but it's the other way around. No class next WED or FRI..Happy Thanksgiving., Let me know if you have no place to go for the holiday
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Rest of these videos here
Oh yes...on a lighter note, but completely on theme,
today's devotional video is below: "Jesus Loves Red States":
Ever noticed that most Christians automatically assume one party (Pharisees) is synonymous with hypocrites. Is this fair? Is this a drop down box? Fuzzy set? Is it possible Jesus was a Pharisee? In the sermon, Jesus said, "unless your righteous _________ (even) the Pharisees," you don't have a chance.
at their worst, the parties thought the other parties were "on crack"..
at their best, they were example diversity of views in the culture...particularly related to role of the law...
Video I took in Peru of the young shepherdess...actually "llamaherder".. which illustrated the New Testament definition of Jesus' leadershi
(leading from behind/among...see also Isaiah 30:21).
Here she is in this clip at 1:30ff:
The first clip (the literal prayer avalanche at the top of the Andes) and the story behind it are at this clink:
------------------Peruvian Witches and Little Llamaherders
(Note: will add to this post all week, depending on what we get done in class...check back)
TT=TEMPLE TANTRUM (all parties will need to know this one for final:
See 11/6 post here
Some revolutionaries from all nations that I took to Ixrael ..overlooking the Temple Mount, p |
In the VanDer Laan video that we watched Monday, "Roll Away the Stone," we learned that:
When a couple was to be married, the fathers would negotiate the bride price. Once the bargain was struck, the groom would offer a cup of wine to his bride to be — declaring his love and pledging his life. She could either accept it or not. If she accepted the cup, she accepted the offer and pledged her love and life to him.OA= Ocassional Atheist--11/6 post here
The Passover meal has four cups of wine. The third cup is the cup of redemption (or salvation). The host says a prayer and then passes the cup. “Blessed are you, oh God, king of the universe, creator of this fruit of the vine. He then declared this cup the blood of the new covenant — a new promise, in essence offering a pledge of his life.
When we take communion, God is declaring his love to us, and when we take the cup, we are returning his offer — promising our love and lives to God.
The bride-price paid by Jesus was high — his very life. It was so high that he asked God to let this “cup” pass from him.
The Lord’s Supper is a meal with God after a fellowship offering — it’s eating a meal with God. LINK
-Chapter 7: Name, and briefly describe Detours #4 and #9
-Chapter 8: Name, and briefly describe, the 3rd and 4th "provocative
acts" of Jesus, and comment on why they ticked off Pharisees and
Sadducees (pp, 140-153)
-Chapter 10:
a)Discuss any ways this chapter reminded you of bounded and centered sets, giving specific examples
b)What does Kraybill mean by "unboxing"?
c)What is the significance of TWO feedings of the multitudes?
e) What is the significance of Jesus' temple tantrum?
f)Give examples of how Jesus treated women
-Chapter 11: From the section "Stop Climbing," name and briefly
describe the three ways religious leaders "polished the rungs" (page
-Chapter 12: Summarize the chapter in two or three paragraphs
Pharisee party, DISCUSS/debate this section of the book, as if you were a member of that party: "Irreverent Jesus" pp, 144-147 (be familiar with the "Four Provocative Acts"
Sadducee party, DISCUSS/debate this section of the book, as if you were a member of that party: "Fumigating the Temple," pp, 150-153.
Essene party, DISCUSS/debate this section of the book, as if you were a member of that party:
"The altar of a church building is no closer to God's heart than the restroom" (p. 163, read in context)
Related: see: God in the Bathroom?
Zealot party, DISCUSS/debate this section of the book, as if you were a member of that party: pp, 52-55
All parties:
discuss/debate these quotes (as yourselves, not your parties
1)"the basin, the cross and the tomb become pivotal signs of the new kingdom. The cross has long served as the preeminent symbol-the flag-of the Christian church. Only looking at the cross, however. detracts us from its very reason for being. Three upside down symbols flow together in the gospel story: the basin, the cross, and the tomb. The basin is actually the foremost Christian symbol. Jesus himself voluntarily selects a basin to capture the meaning of his ministry. The crossis a Roman symbol, a harsh sign of the state's power to execute criminals. The ruling powers used the cross, an instrument of death, to respond to Jesus' basin initiatives. But God has the last word with the empty tomb. It stands throughout the ages as sign of God's reign over they forces of evil." pp. 242, read all of 241-247
2) "With one stroke, Jesus erases titles".."Titles are foreign to the Body of Christ. (p 226-229)
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