1)From Amish Grace Part 2 (chapters 6-9), summarize the content in as much detail as possible, so that I can tell you have read it well. Also be sure to include comments on which 2 Matthew texts are key for the Amish, as well as what the Amish view of forgiveness is, and why you do or do not agree with it. .
2)From Amish Grace Part 3:
a)What are the reasons for shunning?(Chapter 11)
c) How is Amish forgiveness misunderstood by American culture? (174-176)
3)After reading the interview with the killer's mother (Amish Grace, pp, 191-199)
and the video interview with her we watched on 11/9 , how do you respond? Talk about whether or not you have compassion on the killer and can forgive him, and why/why not?
4)How do you feel. and how do you feel like reacting/responding to Westboro Baptist Church (The "God Hates Fags" Church) after watching the video clips we showed on 10/ . What would you do if you met one of the church's leaders at Starbuck's and they were seated all alone with a sign on the table, "I would love to talk." Mention the news clip about the church's view of the Amish school shooting, and also include two other of the videos in your answer, and compare/contrast your response to theirs.
5)Answer your party's qusetion below (as yourself) from a "three worlds" reading (Note: all Scriptures below will be projected on wall for exam)
a)PHARISEES From Matthew 12:31-32, answer the question,
"What is the unpardonable sin" (or "blasphemy against the Holy Spirit") in the context of that Scripture. Be as specific as possible.
Use any skills you have learned in class, especially reading those verses in context (what comes before and after them). Explain how a study of the passage and other intertexts, led to your conclusion (class work on 10/29 , and web post on 11/2 )
b)SADDUCEES In Matthew 3:10-12 , is "baptism with fire" a positive or negative experience? Explain how a study of the passage and other intertexts, led to your conclusion. Find a potential chiasm in the Scripture, and note how that informs your answer, (class work on 10/29 , and web post on 11/9)
c)ZEALOTS Who seems to be "taken," and who seems to be "left behind" in the immediate context of Matthew 24: 36-53 , and what are the implications? Explain how a study of the passage, and other intertexts, led to your conclusion (class work on10/29 , and web post on 11/2 )
d)ESSENES Who seems to be "my brothers and sisters" in Matthew 25:40, and its context:, Matthew 25: 31-46. Discuss whether or not this is a parable. ExpExplain how a study of the passage, and other intertexts, led to your conclusion (class work on 10/29 and post on 11/2 )
6)For any two of the following phrases from Matthew 18, talk for a paragraph on the 'historical world' significance of:
- millstone
- "gates of hell"
- "on this rock"
- "binding and loosing
- "little ones"
( 10/22 qnd 24 post, also 10/26 post)
7)How would you deal with Mr. Squeaky Shoes if he went beyond just being annoying to killing a loved one of yours? Talk about the process of forgiveness you would follow, and how you would deal with him wanting to return to your church upon his release from prison. As part of your answer, discuss the Matthew 18 process, and comment on whether or not you would follow it, and why. ( 10/26 post)
8)EXTRA CREDIT: Summarize Jesus' move from right-handed to left-handed power.
(11/9 post)
(11/9 post)
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