What's on the quiz (or mission)?

Remember, often there will be a "mission"
 which you can perform instead of a given quiz.

You can also skip any two quizzes if you do a church visit '"mission instead Info below

Quiz 1: See 9.7 post here

Quiz 2  See  See bottom and top of 9/21 post here/  for complete quiz and  mission options.

Quiz 3:  Below:

1)What is the central message of Jesus?  (Upside Down, ch, 1 and class 10/1)
2)Explain and compare "aggregate" and "collectivity"   (Upside Down, ch, 1)
3)Name and describe one of the "detours"  (Upside Down, chapter 1)
4)Explain  "building a fence around the Torah"  (H and Y page 201, and class discussion post 10/1)
5)Summarize the story of "Amish Grace" so far (from   10/1 /reading and class 10/3)

Note: as we announced on Wed, you can skip this quiz if you choose on of these missions
-During class, go with a group to Chestnut/King's Canyon and bring back a pic of two funny sign.
-During class, go around campus and interview people about what they remember about JCC
-By Friday, comment on the tiny.cc/greater sin Facebook survey, and recruit at least 5 others to comment.

Church visit: Visit a  Christian church that is not of your tradition, and write a 1- 3 ( 1 is OK if complete)-page response (How did if feel,?How were you welcomed?  What did you notice?  What was interesting?  Include name of person interviewed and their interview answers).  Interview a leader/member of the congregation, either at the church, or by phone/.email before or after your visit.  Ask them the following questions

  • What is the identified mission of the church?
  • Who is Jesus to you personally?
  • What are some of the key issues facing the church?
  • What makes your church special or unique?

There are 3 branches of Christianity (Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant). If you are unsure, ask your instructor which of the three branches your church tradition identifies most closely with. For this assignment, you must visit one of the other two.

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